Dental Simulation Specialists, Inc. was established to serve the growing need to increase awareness, patient safety and outcomes in the dental office.
Follow the leaders in your industry by putting yourself, your assistants, your staff, and office through the ultimate simulation experience. Utilize your own equipment, space, and personnel in the privacy of your own office when it is convenient for you.
This unique and challenging program provides a didactic and hands on clinical simulation experience that addresses the proper assessment and management of patient complications associated with minimal to moderate sedation.
Rick Ritt of Dental Simulation Specialists has been a profound help in training not only the dentists, but the staff as well. It is so important that we function as a team and Rick allows us with his high fidelity human simulator to practice in real time emergency scenarios that may occur in a dental office. It is invaluable that this training take place in our office with our emergency equipment allowing every team member to be involved and learn in a safe environment. We have not be able to find the equivalent training in Canada. I hope that Rick will be able to teach us on a yearly basis, as Human Simulation training is a requirement in my profession by the BC Dental College of Surgeons.
Dr. Anita B Gartner, B.Sc., M.Sc., D.M.D., M.S., FRCDC, Dip ABPD, Certified Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry
Vancouver, Canada
Simply said, thank you!!! My staff and I had a wonderful learning experience with you this past Wednesday. We all agreed that your presentation was by far the best any of us has experienced. As you well know, many meetings and presentations have lots of filler and few pearls. Yours is just the opposite--all pearls. I cannot adequately convey to you how useful and practical your recommendations are to me as a practitioner. The simulations were really true-life and we are now in the process of fine tuning our system to best prepare for situations that may arise. Rick, thank you for the commitment you have made to our profession and to ensure the safety of our patients. You have made an enormous impact on me, my office and staff AND my staff implored me to convey their thanks to you.
Robert M. Hinkle, DDS FACD FICD
Dublin, Ohio
Dental Simulation Specialists, Inc., is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state of provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 5/1/2020 to 4/30/2023. Provider ID#369459. Click here to email us and find out more.
Get AGD PACE credit hours for attending our valuable training courses! Dental Simulation Specialists is proud to have received approval from the AGD PACE Program as a provider for Continuing Education credits.
Contact us to find out how you can earn credit hours.
Dental Simulation Specialists is proud to partner with Sedation Resource.
Learn more about our Presenter, Founder and President.